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金都招远黄金珠宝首饰城有限公司 "}pW=AT  
  Gold Capital-Zhaoyuan Gold Jewelry Palace Co.,ltd wrOLyQ;Sq  
黄金珠宝首饰城位于中国金都——山东省招远市,是中国北方最大的集智能化、信息化、现代化于一体的黄金珠宝首饰专业交易中心,也是淘宝之旅、黄金之旅、中国自驾游首选目的地。 0hr+(4:  
The Gold & Gem Jewelry Palace is located in Zhaoyuan, Shandong Province: China’s Gold Capital. It is an intelligently designed modern emporium of Gold and Gem Jewellery, the largest of its kind. It is also a designated preferred destination by both Taobao Tourism and Gold Tourism. zB d:#  
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    黄金珠宝首饰城建筑面积达2万平方米,主要从事黄金首饰、铂金首饰、白银首饰、珠宝首饰、镶嵌首饰、宝玉石项串、金石、金属工艺品、招金金石等批零售业务。 TQw4nZx pZ  
The Gold & Gem Jewelry Palace is 20,000 square meters of engaging displays of gold, platinum, silver and mosaic jewelry as well as gem stone necklaces and bracelets, metal crafts, gold embossed stone and other retail businesses. avyVD=B  
    这座富丽堂皇的黄金城,拥有100多家国内外著名的品牌珠宝首饰店,10万多个品种的珠宝首饰饰品。在这里,赏珠宝,购原产地黄金首饰,货真、货全、货精、价廉。每年的8月28—30日,都将举办国际黄金珠宝首饰展销盛会,至今,招远已连续举办了十二届。黄金珠宝首饰城先后获得了“山东省金牌旅游购物商店”、“山东省旅游服务名牌”、“山东省价格诚信单位”等荣誉称号。 R!~\cZ  
There are more than 100 domestic and international jewelry brands present in the store and a total of 100,000 varieties of jewelry and Gold & Gem Jewelry accessories. It is the best place to buy original, quality and gold & jewelry at a great price in Zhaoyuan. It has successfully held the Annual International Gold and Jewelry Fair 12 times and will again from the 28th to the 30st of August The Gold & Gem Jewelry Palace has been recognised as a "Gold Tourist Shop of Shandong Province", "Shandong Provincial Tourism Service Brand" and received the honorary title of "Shandong Province Price Integrity Unit" IeC\*n;  
    山东省科普教育基地——招远工业产品展览馆位于黄金珠宝首饰城主四楼,馆内采用声光电等一系列高科技手段,对黄金矿产及加工业、轮胎制造业、电子信息业、机械制造业等招远市8大行业进行全面介绍,系统地展示了招远工业经济的发展,馆藏企业产品达数万种。在这里,您会对招远的风土人情,招远的物产及工业发展有一个全新的认识。 (Vx;U@pky  
The Shandong Province Science Education Base, part of the Zhaoyuan Industrial Products Exhibition, is located on the fourth floor of the Gold & Gem Jewelry Palace. It uses a series of high-tech methods including sounds, lights and electricity to create a comprehensive introduction to the gold mining and processing industry as well as other Zhaoyuan industries such as tire manufacturing, electronics, telecommunications, machinery manufacturing and more. The exhibits also demonstrate Zhaoyuan’s industrial economic development with collections of tens of thousands of enterprise level products. This center will help you to develop a new understanding of Zhaoyuan’s customs, products and industrial development. xYYWGb F  
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    金都招远黄金珠宝首饰城——致力于打造永不落幕的黄金珠宝盛会! Z?3 \6,'V  
Gold & Gem Jewelry Palace - Devoted to creating an never-ending gold jewelry event! 0$r0i  
地址:金都招远黄金珠宝首饰城有限公司(山东省招远市温泉路111号) O;]9I: Z  
旅游热线:0535-8166999 13697887581 6T5{V+U'E  
Address:Zhaoyuan Gold & Gem Jewelry Company Limited (No. 111 ,Hot Springs Road, Zhaoyuan City, Shandong Province) e>v-Ms0\;  
Tourism Hotline:0535-8166999 13697887581 S$CG N$9L  

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